Erin and Alex’s Tortillas and Wine
“Alex wasn't able to pay the full amount of rent. So basically my bargain was that he would do most of our cooking. So he was kind of earning his keep in a different way. That kind of balanced out the power in our relationship, in a way that was, I think, better for both of us. Having him there to cook after I was done with work was really, really helpful to not only our relationship but also to me personally.”
Lauren’s Pasta Bake
“It's like the most stereotypical white people food there's ever been. It's like a casserole. We call it pasta bake. And it was just a thing I knew how to make and it was my favourite.”
Zack’s Jambalaya
“It's something that's super important to me. Something I'm more than happy to share, I think because it means so much to me. It's another way to share a part of me with people outside of just my time.”
Tracy’s Peppers
“I feel very connected to peppers. I love planting them. I love harvesting them from the pepper plants. I genuinely think my love for peppers was cultivated because of my dad. I think that's the only positive thing I gained from our relationship.”
Kirsten and Ginny’s Blonde Chicken Chili
“Like I said, I didn't know how to ask you for help. But I could ask you how to make chili. And that was like a way back to you. For me.”
photo by Cara Cormack
Rowanne’s Gluten-Free Brownies
Rowanne was diagnosed with Coeliac disease just as she turned the corner from young adulthood, a diagnosis that left her having to completely change the way she lives her life. She could no longer enjoy foods (her favourite being pizza) without research, special requests, or inspection to determine whether something is safe for her to eat.
photo by Cara Cormack
Alysh’s Fluffy Coffee
“I didn't need coffee that bad. But I was home by myself and I kind of wanted to have some sense of normalcy. So I made that coffee after my first grocery trip. It was kind of like ‘there's no toilet paper but here's this to feel something.’”
photo by Cara Cormack